Sunday, February 13, 2011

i'm back from cambodia..=)
there's too much things to write out.
so, i choose not to write. -.-
wait for pics on facebook. x))

a usual day to me.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

30/1 ~ 2/2. johor_singapore..=)

lawls. it's 'till the same fer me in the new 'ear,2011 (actin' as a nobody,completely an emotional girl,still with the same height.)

quite busy durin' new 'ear holiday,
(teehes. ;D)
went to johor and singapore together wif my relatives (i'm the only one in my family who went wif them. xD )

blimey,singapore is AWESOME!! (lawls, i'm acting like a hayseed. -.-)
my main purpose to singapore was to visit NUS n NTS.
'eah! i visited their lab, professors' office,halls, classrooms, administration office ,etc..
took a ride on their shutter's nice. ;D
after tht, i went to orchard road.
BLIMEY (again. =.=), i'm lovin' it~ xDD
the street was full of western-styled-atmosphere
lights' on every where.people's walking hurriedly,talking happily
carrying their triumph from shopping malls.

went kinokuniya,
oh my damn-fucking-godness! the books 're i-cant-believe-it's-so-cheap!!!
('eah,i know, u will say:'' u should have knew, stupid.)
i wanted to buy the whole set of harry potter (it costs S$ 315.00..T.T)
i'm so keen on it these days..=D

went somerset too. x)
sat mrt, sbs transit; went dholby ghaut......
had my dinner in a germany-style-restaurant,drank their beer n sausages. 8D
(it's jus opposite to SENTOSA! )
saw the casino too.
my cousin said it looked like a banana boat rather than a building. ==
we reached our home in johor at 'bout 1 someting.
and there,
i finished my half-day-singapore-trip by throwing myself with my exhausted face's facing down on the sofa bed.
blimey, the sofa bed's comfortable.. 8D

we had our dinner at outside everyday in johor.
i remember one, worst of all, we had been waited fer our food to be served for 1 hour
GG, the situation was so exasparating.
( the waiter told us the kitchen's cooking by table. WTF)
my uncle asked him :" how long are we going to wait?"
the waiter answered:" they're preparing urs now"
the question was repeated and the waiter answered the same. ==
i believe he had been having a trouble in understanding questions.lawls. ==

i found out i have been writing in an usual way today.O.o
maybe i m too keen on harry potter. xP
i love the way HAGRID talks. xDD